Black Cat
Art Art Art
Way of the dragon
Stuff with no place
Animals do crazy things
Vote on cool stuff
Favorite Links
Contact Me
Bubblegum Crisis/Crash!!
spoilers (BGC)

Anything,Everything,All things!!


Here you'll learn all about stuff: all kinds a stuff it all depends on what I decide to add.

On this home page, the "doorway" to my site, I'll talk about Random stuff.

Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately (if you realy want)mail sucks.

What's New?

Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change. For example:

18/6/01-Random stuff added!!
20/6/01-Just really satarted building,Start of Bubblegum Crisis/Crash page (BGC). Gona post a page on cats when i get the chance.
21/06/01-BGC page lookin good.Added cool link to a Bonsai Kitten page. Whats that? its like Bonsai trees (them miniture trees) but using Kittens.You can order your own pre-grown Kitten or grow your own using instructions on the site!!
28/06/01-Cats page compleat,Page of polls added,vote now,Also added Guest book PLEASE SIGN you can get to it using link at bottem of the page.
06/07/01-added moe polls workin on a new page
16/07/01-added animals page,will add a pic every few days.
15/8/01- added BGC (Bubblegum Crisis) spoiler page
what the hell is the date oh it 18/11/01 well i added a page on stuff with no place and updated a bit
6/12/01-added a page on AD police still working on it tho
24/02/02-added Paint! page (pictures from john) great skill using paint can be seen.
19/04/02-well not realy much of a real update just been exspermenting with photoshop uploaded a few banner type things to some pages also just got a gif editor today and using photoshop and it created this is my delusion.
11/06/02-wow it been a while since i was last here and oh my god my site has been up for almost a year!(no one will proberbly ever view this like ever but oh well) as for updates I have started a page about jayce and the wheeled warriors one of the greatist cartoons ever in my opinion.
24/02/03-did random art stuff.

A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Why do they give you this photo of a door? Kinda dodgy.


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